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We work throughout the province to ensure end-of-life tires are responsibly collected and recycled - capturing valuable resources, keeping the environment clean, and helping turn tire waste into new and useful products.

About us
616,078 tonnes
Used tires collected*
527,803 tonnes
Used tires made into new products*
100 %
*Combined tire recycling data from 2019 - 2023

Help us recycle used tires in Ontario

I'm an enrolled collection site and I need to find a hauler
eTracks enrolled collection sites can search our database of local haulers and arrange for the removal of their used tires, including tires on rims - at no cost.
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I bought new tires, where do I take my used ones?
Members of the public can use our database to find a local tire collection site and drop-off their used tires for recycling, including tires on rims - at no cost.
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Je suis un site de collection
Les sites de collecte inscrits à eTracks peuvent effectuer des recherches dans notre base de données de transporteurs locaux et organiser le retrait de leurs pneus usagés - sans frais.
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Je dois déposer des pneus
Utilisez notre base de données pour localiser un site de collecte de pneus inscrit à eTracks et éliminer vos pneus usagés - sans frais.
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What we do

A Proven Track Record
We collect every available tire in the province! We do this by managing and operating a network of tire collection sites to ensure used tires are collected from all areas of the province, and that members of the public have accessible options for used tire disposal. We also work with haulers and processors to ensure used tires are delivered for processing in a consistent and timely manner, throughout the year.
Clarity and Trust
Clear, transparent communication means our customers know where they stand in their overall performance and what to expect from us. A commitment to fair and ethical business practices means the people we work with can trust us, to do the right things for the right reasons.
Security Tested Data
The Sustainable Recovery Platform (eSRP) manages the entire transaction cycle from collection, to hauling, processing and end market use. It's user friendly, auditable and scaleable across the supply chain, tracing transactions both forward and backwards! To ensure the system is optimized and that data are protected, we regularly and rigorously test for security, performance and regulatory alignment.
We Understand Compliance
Our track record and commitment to customer compliance is achieved by working as a team, with industry, government and other industry stakeholders to ensure regulatory obligations are tough but achievable and that positive environmental outcomes are the result. We do this through collaboration, efficiency, and by taking a nimble approach to managing change in the marketplace and regulatory framework.
A ‘No Surprises’ Approach to Fees
Through careful assessment of current systems, we work with producers and service providers to create a fair and cost-efficient supply chain. This approach allows us to maintain price stability in line with other Canadian provinces, while paying competitive rates for the services we need. Visit our Resources page to learn more about tire recycling fees across Canada.
Dedicated Support
We provide a dedicated Stakeholder Relations team to assist producers and service providers with any questions, or needs they may have; five days a week.
The Greater Good
It matters to us that tire recycling supports positive environmental outcomes by significantly avoiding the impact of emissions! Our commitment to - actually, making tire recycling systems better - means working with stakeholders in a variety regions and material classes to identify shared challenges and find solutions that improve the sustainability and efficiency of our recycling systems.
Black Tire Arc

Recycling and re-purposing tires in Ontario

Tires were the first of five main material classes to be moved from a Stewardship model, to the Individual Producer Responsibility (IPR) model under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act (RRCEA). Under the Act, Tire Regulation 225/18 made producers responsible for ensuring that 85% of the weight of the tires sold into market are collected, recycled and made into new products at the end of their initial life-cycle.

Under the preceding Stewardship model , obligated companies were required to pay stewardship fees to a government-mandated entity called Ontario Tire Stewardship (OTS), and OTS was accountable for tire recovery.

The main differences between stewardship and IPR are:

  • Under IPR, tire producers are now responsible for recycling and recovery based on what they sell into the market. If they fail to meet the compliance requirements outlined in the RRCEA, they face significant fines.
  • Under IPR, Ontario moved to a competitive market model and ambitious recycling requirements (targets) were introduced for each tire producer. Service providers and PRO’s now compete for business from producers and from each other.
  • The Tire Regulation stipulates some of the most stringent recycling requirements when compared to other Ontario material class regulations that have since been introduced. The regulation continues to be reviewed and updated to ensure these requirements are both achievable and support positive environmental outcomes.

Providing reliable PRO services since 2019

As a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO), we facilitate the success of Ontario’s circular economy by supporting, in part, three principles: reduction of waste, circulation of products and materials for recycling and re-purposing, and contributing to the regeneration of nature.

Adopting best practices and learning from past lessons are invaluable to our continued success in shaping a greener economy. Our commitment to responsible, reliable and fair practices means we consistently deliver world class service to world class brands.


Managing a complex supply chain requires making sense of the information through an intelligent data management system. eTracks uses the Sustainable Recovery Platform (eSRP) to manage transactions across mobile and desktop applications. eSRP captures the flow of tires from the point of collection, to transport, storage, processing, and end-market use; all through one system. Our switch to eSRP has increased our efficiency through automation, and significantly reduced manual and paper transactions. This supports our goal of maintaining price stability for our customers and offering competitive rates for our service providers, while contributing to a green economy.

Learn more about eSRP

News and Events

Board Member Announcement
eTracks Tire Management Systems and its Board of Directors are pleased to announce two new board members, who will each help support the organization’s strategic plan with notable expertise and credentials in governance, sustainability, and executive leadership. Frank Denton brings decades of experience and executive leadership in public service including, regulatory policy and delivery, public private partnerships and crown governance. His most recent position was as CEO of the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA), the regulatory authority responsible for implementing the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act (RRCEA), including Tire Regulation 225/18.  Prior to this appointment in 2017, Frank held a variety of senior executive positions in the Ontario Public Sector and was the assistant deputy minister responsible for design and delivery of a range of regulatory programs. As assistant deputy minister in the Ministry of Finance, he led several public sector commercial transactions. He is an expert in crown governance, regulatory policy and implementation, and was the architect of a broad range of public service delivery models, including agencies and other arms-length bodies. Before joining the Ontario government, Frank practiced commercial law with the firm of Osler, Hoskin and Harcourt. Ian Morton is an award-winning entrepreneur, experienced in building, scaling and guiding businesses through various stages of inception, growth, and maturation. His diverse background includes multiple C-suite executive roles and achievements within the environmental service, cannabis, and technology sectors.  As CEO of Summerhill, he was responsible for crafting innovative national return-to-retail stewardship programs for companies such as The Home Depot, Best Buy and TJX.  He serves on multiple boards of private and public companies and has been recognized by Strategy Magazine for his marketing expertise.  Ian and his work have received many awards, including from the Clean50, Canadian Geographic, and the Lung Association.  In addition to mentoring young entrepreneurs, he was the Chairman of Pollution Probe, Director at Leaside Business Park Association, and Advisor to the Durham College’s Cannabis Industry Program.  
Collection Event - July 3rd Moonbeam, Ontario
eTracks Recognizes Local Businesses for Ensuring Tire Waste is Recycled & Re-used
Oakville, ON., DATE, 2024 – eTracks Tire Management Systems, a not-for-profit company dedicated to ensuring end-of-life tires across Ontario are recycled and kept out of landfills, recently honored outstanding local businesses that play a vital role in this effort. The annual awards program recognizes tire collection sites for their commitment to collecting and recycling tires within their communities, and honors haulers for their efforts in ensuring tire waste is removed from collection sites and transported to recycling facilities. 2023 Collection Site Award of Excellence Winners: Congratulations to the 8 winners of the Collection Site Award of Excellence this year! These sites demonstrated outstanding performance in 2023, ensuring tires are responsibly collected and recycled, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable environment in Ontario. The Winners are: Centre De Pneu Marion Jim’s Auto Care K-W Automotive Inc. Active Green + Ross Aurora Municipality of Killarney Township of South Glengarry Essex Windsor Waste Authority Protyre  2023 Hauler Award of Excellence Winners: Congratulations to the 5 Haulers of this years’ Service Award of Excellence for their exceptional dedication to servicing the community and for ensuring used tires are collected at regular intervals and safely transported to recycling facilities. The Winners are: LJ Recycling  Avrora Tire Recycling Inc RC Enterprise 1262378 ONTARIO INC. William Day Construction Ltd. “Tire recycling is a critical part of keeping our province clean and building a more circular economy. We work with tire manufacturers, auto-makers and importers to ensure every available used tire is collected for recycling at the end of its use. The tire collection sites in our network are a key part of this process. We greatly value the role they play in supporting sustainability across Ontario,” says Steve Meldrum, CEO, eTracks. All winners will receive their reward in the coming weeks. eTracks also extends a big thank you to ALL collectors and haulers in the eTracks network for their ongoing dedication and hard work. Together, we are making a real difference in tire recycling! About eTracks: eTracks was incorporated under the Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act in 2017 and is governed by an independent Board of Directors. Originally created by the Tire and Rubber Association of Canada (TRAC), eTracks has become known as a trusted, innovative industry leader in supporting a waste-free province shaping Ontario’s tire recycling industry. Media Contact: Stefanie Corasaniti, Manager of Communications,
Request for Proposal: Sourcing End-of-Life Tire Recycling Services
eTracks Tire Management Systems will be issuing a Request for Proposal (“RFP”) related to the recycling of end-of-life tires to qualified, north American service providers. The RFP supports eTracks as a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) under Ontario’s Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act (“RRCEA”) and the Tires Regulation (Reg 225/18). The RFP covers a four-year period beginning in 2023. The RFP will be available on May 16, 2022 and will contain: RFP process and timelines (eg. bidder question submittals, bidder meeting, deadlines, submittal process) Service Provider (bidder) requirements Supporting documents (regulations, form of contract, pricing templates) Scope of services to be provided (receipt of tires, or pre-processed materials, “processing” of scrap tires, reporting requirements to eTracks, etc.) Details of acceptable recycling methods (eg. crumbing with end-market proof, retreading, reuse, tire derived aggregate, rubber modified asphalt, blasting mats, etc.) Proof of end markets requirements (i.e. validation requirements for actual use of tire derived material) Resource recovery and commitment expectations (ratio of: received eligible material to approved end use) eTracks service level requirements Sustainable Recovery Platform (eSRP) technology expectations Evaluation criteria and weighting. Please email before noon ET, May 16th, 2022, to request a bid package, or to make further inquiries before the June 27th proposal deadline. The deadline for submitting a response to the RFP is 2 p.m. ET, June 27, 2022. We look forward to inquiries from all qualified service providers!


Crumb rubber sitting inside cut open tires with bended images of bar graphs and data
Tire Recycling Helps Avoid Harmful Emissions
Tire Recycling Helps Avoid Harmful Emissions  An ongoing study confirms that tire recycling avoids harmful emissions when compared to the impacts of using new materials to create the same products. Read the most current LCA Report for eTracks tire recycling efforts: Scrap Tire Life Cycle Assessment (updated to include 2021 and 2022 data) Meeting producer obligations under Ontario’s Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act (RRCEA) and Tire Regulation 225/18 means providing services to producers that ensure they meet their regulatory target to collect and recycle 100 per cent of the used tires they sell into the marketplace. This includes transporting them to processing facilities and verifying how they are repurposed into new products for approved use in the marketplace as a Tire Derived Product (TDP). A TDP displaces the more conventional use of new, or “raw” materials used to make products. People expect that products made from recycled tires will deliver ecological benefits when compared to the use of (new) materials they displace. Putting numbers to this expectation was at the heart of the “Scrap Tire Life Cycle Assessment (LCA),” an benchmark study that involves the elective participation of seven members of the Canadian Association of Tire Recycling Agencies (CATRA). The current study includes collection and analysis of participating tire recycling agencies using data spanning 2019 – 2022, and each year, participants receive their updated individual LCA report. The engagement of a critical review panel ensured that the methodology of analysis and reporting aligns with the requirements of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 14044). What is an ISO Critical Review? The LCA report underwent the critical review process in accordance with ISO standards. The purpose of a critical review is to ensure studies are performed in a manner consistent with ISO methodology and best practices, and that the conclusions of a report are supported by the data used. The LCA review found that the report was in conformance with ISO standards, the methods used to carry out the LCA are scientifically valid, and the findings are supported by the information presented. Note: the provincial model and findings for Ontario were included in the scope of the critical review, the individual provincial report was not. The following summary of the life cycle assessment focuses on data provided by eTracks Tire Management Systems for its 2020 tire recycling activities in Ontario including: used tire collection, hauling, processing and repurposing activities. Study Overview of Results from 2017 – 2020 The LCA study looks through a lens of six environmental impacts, including: global warming (climate change), smog, air particulates (human health particulates), acidification, ozone depletion, and air and water eutrophication. Results show how a TDP fares, in each of these categories, when compared to the life cycle impacts of its respective displaced material. Results also show how each TDP compares with another when it comes to ecological impacts. For each of these ecological impacts, the magnitude of avoided impacts in Ontario were at least twice the magnitude of those where new materials were used, with scores for climate change/global warming, human health (air) particulates and acidification being particularly favourable. The six impact categories used in the study measured the emission impacts of tire recycling activities, in comparison to the emissions that would have been created if making the same TDP from new/raw materials in 2020: (Numbers have been rounded up/down as appropriate.) Tire recycling reduced the impact of CO2 emissions into the environment by 150 million kg C02 in 2020. Climate Change/Global Warming (kg C02): indicates the radiative forcing potential of greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide) on a 100-year timescale. i.e. With tire recycling activities: 47,000,000 kg C02 impacts, vs. without tire recycling activities: 197,000,000 kg C02. Total amount of avoided emissions:150,000,000 kg C02 Smog Formation (kg 03): indicates the potential creation of ground level ozone from emissions of volatile compounds that create “dirty air”. i.e. With tire recycling activities: 4,500,000 kg O3, vs. without tire recycling activities: 13,400,000 kg 03. Total amount of avoided emissions: 8,900,000 kg O3 Tire recycling reduced the impact of human health particulates by 100 thousand kg PM2.5 in 2020. Human Health-Particulates (kg PM2.5): indicates the quantity of particulate matter released into the air, adjusted for severity by comparison to 2.5-micron dust. These particles can’t be seen by the human eye but can be inhaled. i.e. With tire recycling activities: 27,000 kg PM2.5, vs. without tire recycling activities: 127,000 kg PM2.5. Total amount of avoided emissions: 100,000 kg PM2.5 Acidification (kg S02): reports emission of compounds that contribute to increased acidity in the air, either by droplet or particle. i.e. With tire recycling activities: 210,000 kg S02, vs. without tire recycling activities 850,000 kg S02. Total amount of avoided emissions: 640,000 kg S02 Ozone Depletion (kg CFC-11): describes the destruction of ozone in the stratosphere by highly persistent halogenated chemicals. i.e. With tire recycling activities: 53 kg CFC-11, vs. without tire recycling activities: 103 kg CFC-11. Total amount of avoided emissions: 50 CFC-11 Tire recycling reduced acidification emissions in Ontario by 640 thousand kg S02 in 2020. Eutrophication (kg N): reports environmental emissions of compounds containing nitrogen and phosphorus, which can destabilize aquatic ecosystems. i.e. With tire recycling activities: 22,000 kg N, v. without tire recycling activities: 45,000 kg N. Total amount of avoided emissions: 23,000 kg N Source: Scope 3 Consulting LLC (2022), Scrap Tire Recovery and Recycling in Ontario: CATRA 2021 Scrap Tire Life Cycle Assessment, Version 2.2 Tire recycling reduced emissions that cause smog formation in Ontario by 8.9 million kg of o3 in 2020. The Products Most Effective in Reducing Emissions Of the twenty-one TDPs created from used tires, seventeen of them resulted in a net reduction of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions. Products that were most effective in reducing emissions in Ontario include: re-use of used tires, re-treading used tires, crumb rubber (including fiber and acrylic sand), rubberized asphalt, moulded rubber, moulded concrete and blast mats. “With a regulatory target of 100% tire collection and recycling, Ontarian’s benefit from Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR); the reduction in emissions shown in this study are proof of that. The broader challenge for industry players is to improve our technologies and recycling systems, such that it’s easy and practical to repurpose materials, instead of sourcing new materials. Ontario continues to move towards sustainable goals and we’re excited to be a part of that – building better recycling systems, removing valuable materials from waste streams and putting them back into use for as long as possible,” says Steve Meldrum, CEO, eTracks Tire Management Systems.  Tire Recycling reduced emissions associated with ozone depletion in Ontario by 50 kg CFC-11 in 2020. Study Background The study was developed by California-based Scope 3 Consulting LLC with the goal of establishing a boundary for analysis around end-of-life tire management systems that begin when used tires are first returned to a tire collection site (e.g. tire shops). The impacts of transporting the tires and processing them into a TDP are compared to the impacts of producing conventional non-tire-derived products. Widely accepted industry data sources were employed for the task of assigning quantitative ecological impacts for the life cycle of each TDP and its respective displaced product, these impacts are calculated to the point at which the material is ready for delivery to its end-use. In Ontario, this is referred to as “approved use” and “recovery”. It is the point at which a used tire has been made into a new product, such as, livestock mats, playground flooring, and/or rubberized asphalt and concrete. The Ontario report represents a combination of data collected from the Ontario Tire Stewardship (OTS) archives (2017-2018) the Resource Productivity & Recovery Authority (RPRA)(2019) and eTracks Tire Management Systems (2020) Results Inform Decisions eTracks is a private company that offers services to Ontario tire producers by assisting them in meeting or exceeding their regulatory obligations to collect, recycle and repurpose the used tires they sell into the marketplace. With this verified knowledge, eTracks and its customers can demonstrate the value of recycling and repurposing initiatives to effectively reduce negative environmental impacts. The study results also invite us to consider the ecological implications, along with many other factors that go into planning, decision-making and meeting compliance obligations. The Circular Economy and Tire Recycling The circular economy is an approach to utilizing our resources in such a way that we increase their life-span, reduce waste and innovate to lengthen the life cycle of the materials and products we use everyday. To achieve this requires the active participation of all of us: consumers, industry leaders and government – working together to develop strategies for increasing the sustainability of our systems. The circular economy, and models such as Individual Producer Responsibility (IPR) and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), look beyond resource use and efficiency alone and also consider the impact of resource use on Green House Gas (GHG) emissions.  Visit our Resources page to learn more about IPR, EPR and Ontario’s circular economy. Tire recycling reduced emissions that can affect aquatic systems 23 thousand kg N in 2020. If you have questions about the Ontario report, please contact Melissa Carlaw, Director of Communications and Marketing at More information summarizing the results achieved by participating CATRA members will be shared on the CATRA website in the coming weeks. About eTracks: eTracks was incorporated under the Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act in 2017 and is governed by an independent Board of Directors. The company was originally created by the Tire and Rubber Association of Canada (TRAC) to meet the needs of TRAC members and other obligated tire producers under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act (RRCEA) in Ontario. Since then, eTracks has helped shape Ontario’s recycling industry to become known as a trusted, innovative, industry leader in Ontario’s circular economy. Our purpose as a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO), and one we are proud of, is our commitment to managing recyclable materials, and corresponding supply chains in a responsible, reliable and fair manner. eTracks has the experience and the ability to support other materials classes as they transition to individual or extended producer responsibility models, supporting systems in moving from waste to resource models to create a more circular economy for future generations.  
tire recycling
Free tire disposal and the role of tire collection sites in Ontario
Find an eTracks Collection Site Tire recycling is regulated under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act (RRCEA) in Ontario. The Act, and the Tire Regulation 225/18 within the Act, specify that under the Individual Producer Responsibility (IPR) model currently operating in Ontario; tire producers (tire manufacturers, auto makers and importers) are responsible for establishing and operating a “compliant collection network” in Ontario. It’s part of their overall responsibility for ensuring the tires they sell into the market, are collected and recycled. This includes having at least one tire collection site for every 3000 residents in each of the 444 municipalities across Ontario, with specific requirements for those enrolled collection sites. Learn more about the RRCEA on our Resources page. What are enrolled tire collection sites required to do under the RRCEA and Tire Regulation 225/18?    Enrolled eTracks collection sites must accept used tires from consumers AT NO CHARGE (of similar size and weight to the ones they sell and service), during regular business hours (up to 10 tires, per person, per day), including tires on rims. Collection sites must also keep a record of any tire drops off in excess of 10, in case the regulator ever requires these records for audit purposes. Finally, although it’s not specified in the regulation, collection sites need to update their PRO if they move, close or change their business name; this ensures that accurate records are provided to the regulator about the collection network. Are you a consumer who needs to dispose of your used tires?  Please visit the eTracks homepage, and select the “Find a collection site” tab.  This will allow you to search our database and find the closest eTracks enrolled collection site near you. We advise calling the collection site ahead of time to verify their business hours and to let them know you’re bringing your tires over to drop off. Are you a tire shop, or other business that collects used tires and needs to enroll with eTracks?  Being an enrolled collection site is easy, all you have to do is register with the regulator, enroll with eTracks and follow the above requirements; in return, we’ll pick up your used tires at no cost and keep you informed of important news from time to time.  We also run an awards program to acknowledge collection sites, and other tire recycling service providers, for going above and beyond. Enrolled collection sites also have access to our stakeholder relations team to answer their questions, or request a tire pick-up. Plus, enrollment with eTracks is free! Tire collection is the foundation of the tire recycling system, and we appreciate all of our active collection sites for supporting a strong tire recycling system, and meeting the above regulatory requirements.
Repair technician changing old tire in service bay
What's changed in tire recycling since 2019?
What’s changed in tire recycling since 2019? This blog was written to address frequently asked questions from Ontario tire collection sites (a site where used tires are picked up for recycling or disposal, such as tire shops and car dealerships.)  Many things changed in the tire recycling industry when the Individual Producer Responsibility (IPR) model was introduced by the Ontario government on January 1, 2019 as part of the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act (RRCEA). When the RRECA came into effect, so did Tire Regulation 225/18; and it changed how Ontario manages tire recycling. The purpose of this article is to shine some light on the changes that came about as a result and make sense of it from the perspective of a tire shop and/or dealership, referred to in the regulation as “collection sites”. Then and Now The best place to start is with the difference between the Stewardship model that operated in Ontario until the end of 2018; and the Individual Producer Responsibility (IPR) model which replaced the stewardship model as of January 1, 2019. Broadly speaking, Stewardship can be applied to many material classes and refers to the ethical and responsible management of resources, both natural and human-made, by an organization. It involves taking a long-term view and considering the impact of current actions on future outcomes. Under the stewardship model, one organization called the Ontario Tire Stewardship (OTS) managed tire recycling for the province, and those operations were paid for by a collective industry of tire manufacturers, importers and automakers/equipment producers. These “stewards” (producers) were responsible for paying into OTS, they were not on the hook for managing tire recycling activities and the system did not include regulated recycling targets as it does today. Individual Producer Responsibility (IPR), refers to the idea that manufacturers and other producers should be held responsible for the environmental and social impacts of the products they produce throughout their entire lifecycle, including disposal and/or recycling. This model shifts the responsibility for managing the environmental impacts onto producers. Tire producers must meet specific tire recycling targets according to how many tires each producer sells into the marketplace based on a rolling average of three years of tire supply data multiplied by 0.85. Failure to report on, and meet these targets can result in fines. Under the RRCEA, tire producers are allowed to hire a third party (such as eTracks), known as a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) to manage their recycling requirements and ensure they meet their targets through rigorous reporting and auditing of the flow of used tires throughout the province. In January 2023, new regulatory amendments made by the Ontario government to the RRCEA meant that, broadly speaking, PROs are now equally responsible for meeting producer tire recycling targets, and can also face regulatory fines if targets are not met. All of this activity is reported to, and overseen by a regulatory body that enforces the RRECA and Tire Regulation 225/18, known as the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA). IPR also expanded Ontario’s tire recycling industry from one stewardship organization (i.e. OTS) managing all tire recycling operations, to multiple organizations (i.e. PROs) competing with each other to provide producer compliance services. The rationale for this approach is that competition promotes efficiency and creates an environment where organizations are motivated to make the best use of their resources, while developing new and improved ways of managing the tire recycling system. If you consider these differences, and that the “eco fee”, “tire tax”, etc., fluctuated annually under the Ontario Tire Stewardship (OTS) (anywhere from $3.50 to $5.50 on a passenger and light truck tire (PLT), it makes sense that once producers were made responsible for the management of tire recycling systems, they would be looking for greater price stability. It’s for these reasons that previous practices under the stewardship model, like paying collection sites for their used tires, were curtailed. In today’s tire recycling industry, PROs (on behalf of producers) arrange for the pick-up, hauling and recycling of used tires from collection sites at no cost. This has become akin to a waste disposal service, where collection sites have their used tires removed and disposed of at no cost. This approach is similar to how other recyclable materials are managed. It’s fair to say that as controversial as these changes have been, they have helped maintain price stability for four years within the tire recycling industry, in spite of inflation and a global pandemic. While costs have increased on just about everything these days, the tire recycling fees in Ontario have stayed relatively steady. As the largest tire PRO, eTracks introduced it’s first fee increase to customers (a portion of Ontario tire producers) in January 2023 to, in part, offset the impacts of the preceding pandemic years. Why does tire recycling matter? Environmental protection: Used tires can be a significant source of pollution if they are not properly managed. Tires can release toxic chemicals into the environment and can also be a breeding ground for mosquitoes, which can carry diseases. Recycling tires also helps to reduce the environmental impact of used tires ending up in landfills. Resource conservation: Tires are made from natural resources such as rubber, steel, and oil. Recycling tires conserves these resources by reducing the need to extract new raw materials and again, by diverting tires from landfills. Energy savings: Based on a recent Life Cycle Assessment Study (LCA) conducted by the Canadian Association of Tire Recycling Agencies (CATRA), recycling tires significantly reduces emissions when compared to creating the same products from raw materials. Economic benefits: Recycling tires creates jobs and generates revenue for the recycling industry. Also, by recycling tires, it reduces the costs of tire disposal, which would otherwise be borne by municipalities and taxpayers. Safety: Improperly stored tires can catch fire and burn for days, weeks or months, releasing toxic smoke and ash into the air that are both destructive and dangerous to human health. Ultimately, the decisions made on how to manage tire recycling in Ontario are based on the current regulation, producer compliance obligations, and how industry players choose to reach these recycling targets within an ethical and competitive market. It will also depend on the specific goals and objectives of each PRO and their tire management system, as well as the availability of funding and other resources. PROs have an important role to play a role in supporting the collection sites they work with by ensuring used tires are picked up in a timely and hassle-free manner, including tires on rims. PRO’s and producers must also work to ensure that collection sites understand their responsibilities under the current Tire Regulation with regard to accepting used tires (tires that are similar to what is sold and handled at the collection site, to a maximum of 10 tires/day), including tires on rims; at no cost. More broadly speaking, PROs should enable systems for tire recycling activities, that minimize the need for price increases, and support a strong and sustainable tire recycling system for all. Melissa Carlaw, Director of Communications & Marketing, eTracks Visit the resources page of our website to learn more about tire recycling in Ontario.   #Circulareconomy, #climatechange, #emissions, #EPR, #IPR, #ontario, #ProducerResponsibilityOrganization, #recycling, #repurpose, #RRCEA, #tirerecycling
Tire manufacturing facility with partially finished tires
How Tires are Made
How Tires are Made:  Blending chemistry, physics & engineering to make and recycle tires Ever wonder how your car tires were made?  The basic steps of tire manufacturing start with intensive planning and design to customize each tire model to meet the stresses and performance requirements to match a particular vehicle. The production process begins with the selection of several types of rubber along with special oils, carbon black, pigments, antioxidants, silica, and other additives that are combined to provide the exact characteristics for each class of tire.  The assembly of the tire includes an inner liner, body plies and belts, bronze coated steel wire strands, and finally, tread and sidewalls. After being pressed together, the end result is called a “green” or uncured tire. In the last step the green tire is placed inside a mold and inflated so it forms to the tread. Then it is heated to more than 300 degrees Fahrenheit for twelve to fifteen minutes, vulcanizing it to bond the components and cure the rubber. Tires are then inspected, and sample tires are randomly tested, x-rayed, cut apart to look for flaws, run on test wheels, or road-tested to evaluate handling, mileage and traction performance. Tire manufacturing involves a custom five step process based on the tire type The future of tires:  sustainable, lighter, stronger & recycled Sustainable When an array of sophisticated materials and components are vulcanized to form a technologically advanced product, the end result is a tire that is indeed impressive. After roughly 4-5 years, as a set of tires reaches its end-of-life, they are removed and collected in preparation for processing and re-purposing into new materials. The goal is to ensure that whatever goes into a tire can be renewed or re-used, providing a sustainable option to disposing of tires. This is a great example of the circular economy, where sustainable production has environmental, economic and social benefits.  The four “Rs” of the circular economy all exist within tire recycling: Reduce: minimize waste Reuse: repair, salvage, remanufacture, second hand use Recycle: convert scrap materials into another commodity Recover: any materials that are difficult to segregate and recycle The four Rs of the circular economy: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover Michelin is committed to making their tires 100% sustainable by 2050. This is an ambitious but realistic target for the Group, a leader in sustainable mobility. Here are some of the innovative ways our customers are moving towards holistic sustainability. Developing Lighter, Longer-Lasting Tires Tire manufacturers are developing ways to reduce tire mass on passenger tires. This could decrease the amount of material needed. In addition to this, by developing tread compounds that are more resistant to wear, tread mass is reduced while also providing a longer tire life cycle. Developing High-Load Capacity Tires (HL Tires) By combining science and engineering, tire manufacturers, in collaboration with auto makers, are designing and producing tires that can support heavier vehicle loads without increasing maximum tire pressure or size. “HL” tires are present in Europe and are currently being introduced to the North American market for SUV, electric and hybrid cars.  These cars are typically built on the same size frame as standard cars but weigh more, so they require a higher load capacity tire.  Goodyear’s Fortera HL tire is a great example of this. Electric car at a charging station Using Renewable Raw Materials Making tires from renewable materials has always been a lofty goal for scientists.  Now, together with tire manufacturers, scientists are researching ways to use renewable biomass; organic material that comes from plants and animals. Finding ways to recycle natural rubber and other renewable biomass will pave the way to using more sustainable raw materials in tire production. Some of the research is focused on finding new varieties of rubber trees and other means to increase rubber yields. The goal is to secure rubber production today, as well as protect and enrich the natural rubber supply in the future. Tire manufacturers like Michelin partner with rubber plantations to implement both responsible and sustainable best practices. Manufacturers are also developing rubber plantations to reverse deforestation by planting rubber trees in previously clear-cut areas. (reference specific tire company) One particularly interesting focus has been on using oils (e.g. sunflowers) and organic waste from plants. Plant based materials can be used to make bio butadiene, a type of synthetic rubber used in tires. Members of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber are exploring the benefits of this approach. A team from the University of Minnesota is perfecting a three-step chemical process that can produce isoprene from renewable biomass such as trees, grasses or corn.  Isoprene, together with natural rubber, make up the main components of a tire. Economically bio-sourced isoprene has the potential to expand domestic production of car tires by using renewable, readily available resources instead of fossil fuels. Trees corn & grass as potential biomass sources Adding Recycled Components to Tires Once used, the waste from polystyrene (think food containers and packaging) can be recycled into tires by mechanically breaking down the polystyrene into a powder, heated, and combined with bio-butadiene to create a sustainable synthetic rubber. With this technology, approximately 80,000 tons of polystyrene waste could be recycled into tires each year in North America. Polystyrene food containers & tire manufacturing Another source of common waste that can be recycled into tires is PET plastic (think water, soda and juice bottles).  It can be recovered and broken down with enzymes into base monomers, where the remaining components of the plastic can be reformed into polymer reinforcements in tires. Michelin predicts that up to four billion plastic bottles could be recycled into new tires each year. Recycling Plastic Bottles for Use in Tire Manufacturing Turn Old Tires into New Products Tire recycling technology can be used in support of a circular, sustainable economy.  The gold standard is that EVERYTHING in an end-of-life tire could be recovered for reuse. Currently, Michelin plans for as much as 90% of recovered materials to be reused in a variety of rubber-based products, such as tires, conveyor belts and anti-vibration products. The remaining 10% will be reused directly by manufacturing plants to generate heat and power. With this technology, 56 million tires could be recycled each year around the globe to make new Michelin tires. Retreading Old Tires For many medium-duty applications such as 18-wheel trucks and buses, a sustainable solution is retreading, or adding additional tread to reuse the remaining tire carcass. This can be economically advantageous and increases the overall lifespan of a tire. In future, reuse through retreading could become the standard in passenger cars as well. Apprentice mechanic and teacher retreading wheel in automotive workshop Airless Tires It is not the tire itself that supports the load of a vehicle, but rather the air trapped and compressed in the tire. Bridgestone is developing airless tires, where a structure made from sustainable materials supports the load. The hub and spoke stay the same, but the treads can then be changed out for later use or modified for different uses. When the tread reaches the end of life, it is recycled, and a new tread is attached. Connected Tires Imagine if your tires could communicate with your vehicle and you, providing information on the usage history of the tire, as well as road conditions. Tire manufacturers are introducing tires into the market equipped with a radio frequency identification (RFID) inserted into the tire sidewall. The tire has a unique identifier that provides information in separate secure databases so that tire manufacturers and service providers can track the history (and lifespan) of a tire. Research is also underway on using electronics in tires to aid in the vehicle control system. This could be helpful when it comes to knowing how deep the water is on the road on a rainy day, or what the minimum stopping distance should be based on the tire tread. Tire manufactures are experimenting with adding RFID chips to tires to track their performance. How we make tires affects how we recycle tires The tire recycling industry is thriving in Ontario, as the market for products made from recycled tires is growing quickly.  From gym mats to playgrounds, companies are creating innovative and inspiring options.  The process starts at a processing facility, removing the rubber from the rim, separating the steel and fibre, and chopping the rubber into various grades of crumb.  The crumb rubber is then sold to companies that repurpose it into new products.   TierraVerde™ unbreakable planters Does high-tech design impact how we recycle tires? As tires become more adaptive to environmental conditions and sophisticated in their safety and mobility features, it adds new layers of complexity in the recycling process.  For example, how do we effectively remove RFIDs and other electronics from tires before they are processed into crumb rubber?  Tire recyclers must take great care and use special equipment to remove all debris (including the steel bead) before shredding them. The recycling process will inevitably begin to adapt as the manufacturing process evolves. Tire wire is used in the production of new tires, giving the necessary strength to withstand bumps, heat and other hazardous conditions. Crumb rubber is recycled rubber produced from automotive and truck scrap tires  Who is responsible for recycling end-of life tires? In the past, that burden fell to municipal landfills to dispose of old tires.  Now, there are over 400 jurisdictions around the world, with about 80 in Canada, that follow an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and/or Individual Producer Responsibility (IPR) model. This is an environmental policy that makes producers responsible for the entire life cycle of the products they sell into the market, to their end of use/life (including waste collection and recycling). Under EPR/IPR regulations, obligated companies must mitigate the environmental impacts of their products throughout the entire product lifecycle. Here in Ontario, we have been proudly recycling tires for over a decade.  The Ontario tire recycling management system officially changed to an Individual Producer Responsibility (IPR) model in 2019 with the enactment of the Tire Regulation (O.Reg 225/18) under Ontario’s Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act (RRCEA). Simply put, the goal of the regulation is to keep Ontario’s scrap tires out of landfills, inspire innovation within the industry, support a circular economy and protect our environment. Tune into our next blog as we explain why change continues to be par for the course as Ontario adapts to RRCEA and IPR. We will examine the innovations that might shape the next few years. As a PRO, eTracks supports producers by managing the flow, recycling and re-purposing of used tires, from source to end point.  We manage a complex supply chain of thousands of service providers, like All Ontario Recycling, to ensure producers remain compliant with regulations and support a more circular economy.   Interested in how resource recovery, tire recycling and the circular economy works?  Visit our resources page.
hevea brasiliensis tree farm with sun setting
What is natural rubber and why should we care?
What is natural rubber and why should we care?  The future of rubber and the case for innovation in the tire industry. The Individual Producer Responsibility (IPR) model used in Ontario is intended, among other things, to spur innovation at the manufacturing level, to drive innovation that reduces waste, and increase the recyclability and re-useability of the products we use in our homes and businesses. The tire industry is embracing this need in several ways, including, the exploration of new tire material options, developing more efficient tires and of course, ensuring that tires are responsibly recycled and repurposed into new products. To examine this, let’s begin and the beginning. Imagine a world without rubber, without tires, where planes couldn’t land, and cars couldn’t drive…What would happen?  Let’s start by exploring the intriguing history of rubber, its contribution to the tire industry, and the inevitable transformation and innovation that is occurring on account of its finite supply. Hevea brasiliensis tree tapping latex Are tires still made of rubber? Rubber is a natural product produced from one tree and a handful of plants.  It is classified as a polymer.  Some polymers exist naturally while others are produced in laboratories and factories.  Natural rubber is an essential raw material used in over 40,000 products such as medical devices, surgical gloves, aircraft and car tires, pacifiers, clothes, and toys.  The global rubber market size was worth nearly US$41 billion in 2018. The most common way to make rubber is to extract the rubber-containing latex (a milky white fluid containing proteins, starches and alkaloids) from a very unique tree called the Hevea Brasiliensis. In addition to its high strength and the capability to be stretched many times without breaking, natural rubber compounds are exceptionally flexible, good electrical insulators, and are resistant to many corrosive substances.  The largest end-user of rubber is the automotive parts industry, which uses rubber to make car tires, hoses, pipes, gaskets, and other parts. Nearly 70% of the world’s rubber production is used to make car tires every year. Footwear, led by the top 10 largest footwear companies, is the second largest end-user for rubber. Synthetic rubber can be produced through a chemical process, but no one has been able to produce a synthetic rubber that has all the properties of natural rubber…yet.   Natural rubber is still very important to tire manufacturing, even if tires now contain less rubber than ever before. Tires carry the great responsibility of supporting tonnes of weight at high speeds across varying terrain, over years of use, all while carrying precious cargo (i.e. humans). The formula that keeps us all safely moving is, therefore, of the utmost importance. Our tires and cars carry precious cargo The “seedy” history of the rubber tree and why are we searching for new sources While liquid rubber was used medicinally as early as 1600 B.C., we credit Christopher Columbus for bringing it to the Americas in the 1490s. South Americans used to dip hats and cloth in latex to make them stronger and waterproof. It wasn’t until Charles Marie de la Condamine went to the Amazon in 1734 and found two trees containing latex. The Castilla Tree and the Hevea Brasiliensis. Ultimately, the Hevea tree succeeded over the Castilla tree because of the way its latex was transported along the trunk. The Hevea tree has connected latex tubes that form a network, or connected system, that bleeds latex when a special incision is made in its trunk making it much easier to harvest. In 1839 Charles Goodyear invented the vulcanization process of treating rubber with sulfur and heat, to harden it while keeping its elasticity.  It prevents rubber from melting in the summer and cracking in the winter. Then in 1888, John Boyd Dunlop invented the air-filled rubber tire, making rubber an extremely important raw material worldwide. Rubber became an essential material for the Industrial Revolution.  So much so, it created a huge push from businesses to increase the amount of rubber extracted from Amazonian trees. At the time the Brazilian Amazon was the only source of rubber. They controlled the price, making rubber expensive. Rubber was such an important material for Brazilians that they prohibited the export of rubber seeds or seedlings. Yet, in 1876, Henry Wickham managed to smuggle 70,000 rubber seeds, hidden in banana leaves, from the Amazon to England. From those seeds, only 1,900 seedlings survived and were sent to Malaysia to start the first rubber plantations in Asia. After only 12 years, the Malaysian plantations soon became the world’s main natural rubber supplier.  In 1888 Henry Nicolas Ridley, a scientist at the Singapore Botanic Gardens, developed a continuous tapping method for harvesting latex from the Heveas.  With a much higher yield and a global demand for the product, rubber became an essential material in Singapore’s development. Nowadays, around 90% of natural rubber is produced in Asia, with Thailand and Indonesia being the most important rubber suppliers (supplying more than 60% of the world’s natural rubber). Natural rubber drying in vertical sheets So why are we looking for new rubber sources? Since Asian rubber plantations started from only a handful of seeds, all the trees are genetically very similar. Less genetic variation means lower ability to fight against plant diseases. If one tree becomes sick, the illness can rapidly spread to the entire plantation. Under natural conditions, rubber trees commonly grow with a lot of space between them, so disease is less common. On plantations where rubber trees grow very closely together, it can become lethal. Other threats come from: competition for plantation land from the highly competitive palm oil markets, labour shortages due to the difficult and poorly paid rubber tapping work, the concern that latex from the Hevea tree can cause serious allergy, and the fact that the Hevea trees can only grow in certain tropical climates. There are a couple of interesting natural rubber alternatives, such as the guayule and Russian dandelion, but the quality of rubber may have more impurities than the Hevea tree, and thus not be good enough for all uses.  It is also a more expensive extraction process.  The search for more reliable low-cost natural rubber continues. In the meantime, the automotive industry has made incredible advances in tire construction.  Today, only 20-30% of a tire is made of natural rubber.  While rubber, steel and fibre make up the bulk of a tire…as many as two hundred different raw materials combine into a unique mix of chemistry, physics and engineering to give consumers the highest degree of comfort, performance, efficiency, reliability and safety that modern technology and creativity can provide. Latex tapped from a hevea brasiliensis tree In September we’ll look at how tires are made, and the innovations that are making them more sustainable. As a PRO, eTracks supports producers by managing the flow, recycling and re-purposing of used tires, from source to end point.  We manage a complex supply chain of thousands of service providers, like All Ontario Recycling, to ensure producers remain compliant with regulations and support a more circular economy.   Interested in how resource recovery, tire recycling and the circular economy works?  Visit our resources page.
Awards with eTracks Logos
2021 Service Award Winners
eTracks Tire Management Systems recently presented it’s 2021 “Awards of Excellence” to seven service provider companies that demonstrated strong partnerships, business excellence and integrity as we navigated another successful year of tire recycling under the Ontario tire regulation and Individual Producer Responsibility (IPR) model. Here we spotlight each of these recipients in recognition of their valuable role in helping us build a sustainable tire recycling system in the province of Ontario. 2021 Award Winners Those honoured were: Award of Excellence, Hauler of the Year, William Day Award of Excellence, Processor of the Year Lottridge Retread Award of Excellence, Hauling – Peninsula Tire Exports Recycling Award of Excellence, Hauling – Micor Recycling LTD Award of Excellence, Hauling – R&E Tire Award of Excellence, Hauling – All Ontario Recycling Award of Excellence, Processor Emterra Tire Recycling The Day Group Award of Excellence, Hauler of the Year, Day Group Tire Recycling. The Day Group offers tire hauling services where they will pick up used and old tires of all sizes across Northern Ontario (from North Bay to Kenora near the Manitoba border), and transport them to recycling centres in Southern Ontario. The Day Group is a family business in Azilda and the Greater Sudbury Area.  It was founded by 20 year old William Day in 1954, who started out with with one truck, hauling lumber and plowing snow with his dad in the township of Dowling.  The Day Group business has grown over the years to become a successful multi-service business (think surface mining, transportation, arial drones, rail services, line painting and of course…used tire collection). William (“Bill”) worked hard and was dedicated to his company and employees for 64 years. If there was an opportunity to try something new, grow the business or expand to new areas, he tried it.  He saw the people of the company as his greatest asset, but also saw them as family.  He demonstrated strength, integrity, and generosity during his life, values that are still core attributes of the company today. Thank you to everyone on the team at Day Group for your valued partnership, we look forward to working with you for many years to come. Lottridge Tire & Retreading Inc. Award of Excellence, Processor of the Year, Lottridge Tire We congratulate Lottridge Tire & Retreading Inc. for receiving the eTracks 2021 Service Award of Excellence as our PROCESSOR OF THE YEAR!! Lottridge Tire & Retreading Inc. has a long, proud tradition going back more than 50 years of servicing the commercial trucking industry within the Golden Horseshoe. Their main products and services are Bandag retread products as well as new commercial and passenger tire sales including Bridgestone/Firestone, Michelin, and many other quality brand names. Their real strength though, is their ability to combine these products into a service program that can be specifically designed to meet the needs of today’s modern fleet. Across the Niagara region they are uniquely able to provide all of the products and services to fleet accounts without the requirement of any third party sourcing. The eTracks team really enjoys working with the Lottridge team, and value their friendly, timely and reliable approach to their work.  We also love their tag line, “We Keep You Rolling.”  Thank you Lottridge for your continued partnership, business excellence and integrity in your approach to service.   Micor Recycling Ltd. Award of Excellence in Hauling, Micor Recycling LTD Micor Recycling Ltd. is the recipient of an eTracks Award of Excellence in Hauling. Located in Toronto, Micor Recycling Ltd. has been in the tire collection and recycling business for over 30 years. They are known for their high-quality servicing, assisting many of the leading chains in their tire removal needs. Micor joined the eTracks program in 2019.  If you are an enrolled eTracks  collector, they will pick up your tires for free withing 24 hours of your call.  Now that is great service!  Whether a large or small pick-up, Micor has the equipment and professionalism to handle the job… Anywhere in Ontario. Our eTracks team has high praise for the great folks at Micor, citing Mark Capland’s deep industry expertise and willingness to share his time and knowledge.  Our stakeholder relations group, compliance team and regional investigator are always so grateful for Micor’s excellent record keeping, responsiveness, and courteous approach. Micor is committed to cleaning up the environment, one tire at a time.  Thank you Micor, for your continued strong partnership, business excellence, and integrity.   PTE Recycling Award of Excellence in Hauling, PTE Recycling We are pleased to introduce you to PTE Recycling, the Brantford, Ontario company that has received one of our 2021 Service Awards for Excellence in Hauling. Peninsula Tire Exports has worked with eTracks over the last few years to continue to develop the reused market for Ontario tires. PTE has worked closely with multiple processors to increase the flow of tires from the province and to find end markets both internationally and domestically. PTE Recycling is known for their Fast & Reliable Scrap Tire Collection, and they are currently Canada’s largest exporter of used tires.  They cull tires from various collection sites across Ontario, grade and then sell the tires into markets in Texas and across the Caribbean. Congratulations Ryan and the PTE Recycling team on your award, and your contribution to the circular economy here in Ontario.   R & E Tire Award of Excellence in Hauling, R & E Tire R&E Tire received an eTracks Award of Excellence for Hauling in 2021. Also awarded in 2019, R&E continues to be a strong service provider in our eTracks network. As we drive toward sustainability, one tire at a time, we acknowledge the strong partnership we share with this wonderful family run company. The Brown family have been exceeding their customer’s expectations at their Frankford, Ontario location for years. A glance at their 5 start customer reviews will reveal their focus on quick and friendly customer service with great prices. Our stakeholder relations team here at eTracks appreciate how Ben Brown has been in this industry for a long time and is super knowledgeable. His transparent straight shooter approach is welcomed both by eTracks and his R&E customers. What a terrific hauler to have in our eTracks network. Congratulations R&E Tire! We wish you many more years of continued success.   Emterra Group Award of Excellence in Processing, Emterra Group We celebrate our strong partnership with Emterra Group, winner of a 2021 eTracks Award of Excellence in Processing. Great companies often begin with a great story, and when Emmie Leung started as a small curbside collector of cardboard in the 1970’s, the Emterra story was just beginning. Today the family-owned company is an international enterprise with over 1,100 employees, 40 locations and five distinct divisions…all driven by an entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for transforming waste into resources. Emterra combines experience, innovation, and leading-edge technology to design and deliver cost-effective recycling and waste reduction programs and advisory services in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Michigan. Our eTracks team value the business excellence that Emmie, her daughter Paulina, and the full crew at Emterra consistently bring to the tire recycling industry. We salute their mission “to be a leader in creating and delivering products and services that enable people and businesses to become stewards of the environment and the future.” In addition to supporting both community and diversity in their business practices, what captures the hearts and minds of many eTrackers is Emmie’s belief that there is value in everything and in everyone. That belief, coupled with an entrepreneurial spirit, compels her to view challenges not as barriers, but as opportunities. Well said Emmie, and well done Emterra on your Award of Excellence!   All Ontario Recycling Award of Excellence in Hauling, All Ontario Recycling We congratulate All Ontario Recycling for receiving our Award of Excellence for Hauling. All Ontario Recycling has been a full-service metal recycler for over 30 years. Headquartered in Barrie, they have 2 recycling yards and are widely considered a leading provider of metal recycling services and haulage to auto wreckers and metal recycling yards across Ontario. They also haul end-of-life tires, and have been one of our principal haulers since eTracks began.  Our team has nothing but praise for the helpful, cooperative and respectful interactions we have had with Beverley and the rest of the All Ontario Recycling crew.  Our regional investigator respects the way they provide timely information as well as industry insights based on years in the business. One of our fondest memories and moments of gratitude came when All Ontario Recycling helped eTracks and Goodyear Tire with a massive old tire clean up in the mines.  They have “earned their stripes” over the decades and we salute their ongoing contribution toward Ontario’s circular economy. As a PRO, eTracks supports producers by managing the flow, recycling and re-purposing of used tires, from source to end point.  We manage a complex supply chain of thousands of service providers, like All Ontario Recycling, to ensure producers remain compliant with regulations and support a more circular economy.  Learn more at    Interested in how resource recovery, tire recycling and the circular economy works?  Visit our resources page.
Welcome to the eTracks Blog
We’ll be sharing end-of-life tire and recycling industry insights and what we’ve learned since 2019 as one of the largest tire PRO’s in Ontario. Some of the themes we’ll be talking about in the coming months include: 1. What Happens to Used Tires? According to a 2020 survey conducted on behalf of eTracks, only 37% of Ontario consumers are aware that their used tires are recycled into new products. 2. Change is Constant Change continues to be par for the course as Ontario adapts to the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act (RRCEA) and Individual Producer Responsibility (IPR). What innovations might shape the next few years? 3. Data is King A key driver of our success as a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) is accurate data; as the saying goes, data is king. Technology is allowing the recycling industry an opportunity to improve data collection methods, providing more accurate reporting options and allowing industry leaders to make informed choices. 4. Start-ups and Best Practices Before IPR, everyone played on one field called the Ontario Tire Stewardship (OTS); as a government funded organization, OTS paid for the collection, hauling and processing of Ontario’s used tires. With the implementation of the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act (RRCEA), Ontario ushered in the Individual Producer Responsibility (IPR) model, introducing a free and competitive market where service providers became competitors, and producers were now responsible for collecting and repurposing 85% of the tires they sold into market. 5. Economics & Supply Chain As the largest tire PRO, being able to move away from the old Stewardship model to the new competitive model creates unique challenges. What does it mean when some of your contracted service providers are also your competitors? How have we managed a complex supply chain and achieved compliant networks? What are the economics of recovery and the value of accurate transactional data? More to come…
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