
Steve Meldrum, CEO, talks about EPR and IPR in 2021, Read More…
During the global pandemic, there was a brief reprieve for the environment as a result of reduced economic activity during 2020, which highlighted just how much of an impact our collective actions can have on the planet. But during a summer of record temperatures across Canada and the United States, and with atmospheric CO2 emissions at their highest recorded level, it is clear that industries need to work together to reduce our carbon footprint. One way to do this is by increasing efforts to develop a more circular economy. Read more: Recycling Product News article
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eTracks Implements New Hauler Contracting Model
Throughout July 2021, Evolve Recycling Inc transitioned out of the hauling management business. Evolve will continue to operate its “Trillium” hauling business, and has partnered with eTracks to manage the delivery of used tires by other haulers to their facilities in Brantford and Moose Creek going forward. Our goal throughout this process was to ensure the uninterrupted flow of tires and payments to haulers. Haulers who had contracts or agreements to haul tires for Evolve were provided with a new contract from eTracks. A joint letter from Evolve Recycling and eTracks was also provided by email on July 9, 2021 to all Evolve haulers. eTracks held 4 webinars for the hauling community on May 19, May 26, June 2 and June 9 outlining this transition and the contents of the new contracts. We were pleased to note that more than 30 haulers attended these webinars. Haulers can access a copy of the webinar at: eTracks looks forward to expanding the use of direct-to-hauler contracting with it...
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eTracks Recognizes Service Provider Excellence in Tire Recycling
– FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – eTracks Tire Management Systems Recognizes Service Provider Excellence in Tire Recycling Toronto, ON. – eTracks Tire Management Systems successfully navigated a year unlike any other in 2020. In spite of a sluggish economy, including dramatic changes to how we all live, work and commute; eTracks customers continued to receive unwavering compliance services. To commemorate this milestone, eTracks announced several Awards of Excellence in appreciation of our suppliers’ invaluable help in navigating a challenging year and still managing to exceed 2019 tire collection by 13,000 tonnes. “eTracks relies on the outstanding services of tire haulers and processors to ensure that end-of-life tires are collected in a timely and efficient manner and in alignment with the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act; their work helps divert tires from our landfills so they can be made into new products,” said Steve Meldrum, CEO of eTracks Tire Management Systems. Multiple...
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Collection Event - July 3rd Moonbeam, Ontario
Bring your end-of-life tires to Moonbeam Municipal Garage 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 123 St-Aubin Ave.